Nehemiah CRC will receive a stipulated sum proposal, for the furnishing all labor and material for the work of all trades as called for in the Drawings and Specifications entitled Needmore Place II, Greer, South Carolina, as prepared by the architect: Charles Gentry, AIA, Palmetto Architectural Group, 2435 East North Street, Ste. 1108 Greenville, SC 29615, telephone: (864) 233-3647.
The project includes the construction of 2 three (3) bedroom two bath single family home to be constructed on 107 McKissick & 108 Fuller Street in Greer, SC. Bids will be received for the General Work, which will include the work of ALL TRADES. Bids may be hand-carried or mailed to Nehemiah CRC, 111-C South Main Street, Greer, SC 29650. Bids may also be faxed to (864) 751-5139 or e-mailed to Bids will be received no later than 2 p.m. on Monday, March 20, 2023. Late bids will not be considered. All Bid information meeting the requirements of this Invitation will be submitted to the Owner’s Board for consideration. Bidders must also make positive efforts to use small and minority owned business and to offer employment, training and contracting opportunities in accordance with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. The project will be partially funded with HOME funds provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and federal requirements will apply to the contract. The HOME Program is an Equal Housing Opportunity Program and is subject to the requirements of the Fair Housing Act of 1988, as amended. Minority, women, and Section 3 businesses (as defined by 24 CFR 135) are encouraged to participate.
Bid documents can be sent by Dropbox from the architect. Copies of Drawings and/or Specifications may be obtained from the architect’s office at the cost of printing, handling, and mailing with no refunds.
A Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100 percent of the contract sum shall be required. All contractors shall be properly licensed under the State Laws governing their trade (State of South Carolina). The right to accept or reject any or all bids and waive informalities is reserved.