Make a Donation to Nehemiah Community Revitalization Corporation
Nehemiah welcomes individual or organizational initiatives tied to a particular idea for a project. Nehemiah hopes that those interested will take matters into their own hands and contribute both their financial resources and their ideas to revitilize the neighborhoods and people of South Carolina. As an interfaith non-profit corporation, Nehemiah is particularly interested in encouraging churches and other religious institutions to provide leadership by becoming catalysts to revitalize the neighborhoods surrounding their institutions. Those interested in contributions to this Partnership for Neighborhoods can send their donations and their comments or advice to:
Nehemiah CRC
Attn: Partnership for Neighborhoods
P.O. Box 8958
Greenville, South Carolina 29604
Your contributions are tax deductible to the full extent under the law. Nehemiah’s EIN for tax purposes is 57-0980253. Nehemiah also welcomes the opportunity to help you with neighborhood revitilization objectives. Nehemiah continues to have a particular interest in special needs populations. Feel free to share your ideas and comments.
Read about the revitalization of Draymont community in Spartanburg County.