History: Project Care, Inc., the owner of Stephen’s House, had come to United Housing Connections (UHC) and Nehemiah seeking help with a new and welcome problem. They had purchased and renovated Stephen’s House to house persons with HIV/AIDS as terminally ill clients who deserved the love and respect of others during their last days. Recent major strides in fighting the disease have resulted in patients with significantly increased life spans. Project Care needed affordable apartments that can give people with HIV/AIDS an opportunity to become self-sufficient again.
Challenge: Build twelve one bedroom apartments on three scattered site and maintain affordability.
Solution: After months of land searches, Nehemiah CRC, in partnership with UHC, located and purchased three sites scattered throughout the community. A duplex was built on one site, two duplexes on another, and three on the largest site. Today, persons living with HIV/AIDS live in quality, affordable apartments totally integrated into existing neighborhoods.